Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tour of Shanghai

I realise I don't really put enough pics up, they convey more than words sometimes. Just got photoshop which helps reduce them, will then move on to the other large amount of pics I have that I haven't bothered to display.

Here we are outside the mansion down in the old part of Shanghai wearing about 9 layers of clothes. The bridge we're on is called the bridge of the nine dragon tails (or something like that - D's gonna kill me for not memorising it all properly) the idea is that evil spirits can only travel in straight lines. There are all the bends in the bridge to prevent evil spritis from entering the house. Lots of steps and different levels are there for the same purpose.

This is the house. Lots of rooms to meet and entertain guests. Lots of those cool curly roofs and stuff.

This is part of the garden. As I mentioned before, Chinese gardens consider rocks to be the main feature rather than flowers.

Here are the women making 'Shaolombai' which we tried - again this is an approximation of the real word! These are like dumplings but the Shangainese will emphatically deny that they are indeed the same as dumplings. They have pork inside and then some juice and are steamed in the basket. The trick is to suck out the juice first and then eat them - no mean feat when using chopsticks!

Here is some bamboo scaffolding which they favour in China. Apparently it is stronger than steel but certainly doesn't look it...

This is the most famous shopping street in Shanghai, full of neon and modern stuff. Was quite nice to walk down a pedestrian area for change.

This is the bund. All the buildings on this side of the road were built to represent all the European arhitecture and they are all here. They were bank headquarters and fancy hotels, check out the flags on top.

This is on the other side of the river to the old buildings. The famous view of Shanghai with all the futuristic buildings. Apparently, Shanghai has more skyscrapers alone than all other places in the world put together!

So, there you have it, a glimpse of what we got up to...

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