Thursday, September 07, 2006

The magic 3

Bad things always happen in threes. It never rains but it pours, I am sure you are beginning to see where I am going with this.

Last week, was qutie frankly one of the most disastrous in a while. On Tuesday I took one of my classes into the computer. We have been working on their powerpoint presentations for a while and they all showed up with their flashdrives as requested to put the finishing touches on everything so that they can do their presentation next week. Get in there and the computers can't read the flashdrives, only a couple faff about for the whole time in there struggling to get anybody doing anything constructive. So frustrating and looked like a fool. Complete waste of time.
Wednesday morning, get to my favourite class and during the coffee break I got to pour hot water out of one of those electric boiler keeps-it-hot-all-the-time things and I push the button in and when I take my finger off it keeps going! I got boiling water all over the table, all over the floor. Nightmare. Thankfully my students took int heir stride, however yesterday I felt like a little school kid who isn't allowed to play with her toys anymore because she borke one already. When coffee break came they didn't let me go and make my own, virtually barred the exit and heavily insisted that they would make me coffee! I just mumbled, shuffled my feet and stared at the floor.
Following flooding a corridor with boiling water I bimbled into work to teach my Wednesday afternoon kids class. My last class of the week. Everything goes fine and 60 seconds before the end of class I am getting them to line up ready to leave and checking they have cleaned up all the sweet wrappers they think they have managed to conceal under the table and I suddenly hear cries of "teacher! Teacher!" and I turn around to see one of my kids has managed to puke all over herself and the classroom. She couldn't wait 60 seconds? Oh joy. Dragged her to the bathroom, cleaned her up. Warned the person teaching in there next that they might want find an alternate classroom. Other than all that my week was just fabulous...

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