Thursday, September 21, 2006

Coo Coo

I am now beginning to ponder the disturbing correlation here. I got to Ecuador, there is an economic crisis, riots and a volcanic eruption, I go to the Czech Republic, Prague is flooded, I go to Korea, they impeach the presidet, am now in Thailand - military coup. Joy. I shall not be surprised if I am flagged next time I try and enter the country.
So it all started late Tuesday night. At midnight, I was tucking myself in when one of my mates calls and states that he was out and they closed the bar, sent them home and said we were under curfew as the military had taken over. After a bunch of expletives, I jumped to the window expecting to see chaos, tanks, murder and I saw zip. Nada. Bangkok was eerily quiet.
I turned the TV on to see a blue screen with familiar squiggly Thai writing crawling along the bottom, on other channels there were images of the King. The King visiting the poor, the King getting married, the King wiping his royal brow in the heat, the King canoeing in the jungle, you get the picture. Could you get any useful information anywhere? No. CNN and BBC were taken off the air. Even now, it is back on but they blank out anything about Thailand. How can it be that people everywhere else in the world are more informed than us?
Thankfully, they have not targeted the internet. But of course, not everyone has it at home. Bit of a confusing time really. The harsh heat and light of day offered no more information. The streets as deserted as they were at midnight the previous evening. But hey, we get the day off! Time to go to the supermarket and stock up, just as I did when the floods hit Prague, oh and have some friends over to party a little, hmmm just as I did in Prague. Getting good at this.
I am sure that as far as military coups go it is the most peaceful ever. Will see what happens.
Watch this space...

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