Friday, June 30, 2006

Emergency rush

So, another addition quicker than last time, I am getting better. Things have been a little hectic. It was J's B'day last week so copious amounts of my time was spent deciding what to get him, I had plumped for a new mobile but spent hours in the Nokia shop wondering whether the ones I liked were a little too girly, after consulting with men, I discovered that clearly if it looks cute and is available in pink it isn't very manly. Thanks for your help guys by the way, I went for the 6230i - which meant absoutely nothing to me two weeks ago but now I feel qualified as a new consultant for Which? phone magazine.

Anyway, I took him to a Brasilian Churrascaria for dinner which was fun and meaty and on Friday we went out with various friends to a German brewhouse which is huge, sells "german beer"-as dmonstrated by Monika and "German food" has a show and the entire building is shaped like a massive keg of beer... only in Thailand...

Sorry, I almost forgot to point out that this is Maria and Hannah, simply doing what they always do...

I am currently laid up at home and climbing the walls a bit. I have an intestinal infection according to the doc, and much as I'd love to sicken you with my famous imagery, I fear you already get the picture. Going to the hospital here was a bit strange. People arrive in taxis and I can assure you that I was the only one in the emergency waiting room who looked even vaguely ill. There were only about 4 of us in there! Urgence was not a key factor that's for sure. Women were strutting around with their LV bags, the hospital had escalators and a green area -what is that all about, not to mention a shop a bakery and coffee shop and in some there are even Macdonald's! Last time I was in an emergency room in the UK there was a guy next to me trying to hold is eye in it's socket coz some nutter had hit him over the head with a baseball bat all coz the offender had thrown his fag out the window and had hit the probably by now one-eyed pedestrian in the head and he had shouted that he should be more careful. Needless to say, people around me had clearly broken stuff and/or were bleeding. There was a woman in front of me using two mobiles at the same time, one on each ear! I have GOT to get a mobile with a camera. honestly, the stuff I could take pics of on a daily basis, would shock you all.
As an aside, I can't wait till the world cup is over. I am so bored of the convoluted conversations I have with Taxi drivers, you know the Where are you from? Oh UK! England 2 Portugal 0! It wasn't till I was like oh really? that the taxi driver realised that cearly I had no idea that he was predicting and they hadn't even played yet. I took my time explaining to him in thai that I was Welsh (oooh Ryan giggs!) and therefore I don't care about the World Cup. I was rather shocked that not only did he know Ryan Giggs but he also said Millenium Stadium and Cardiff! Last time I told a taxi driver that I was Welsh he asked me if I was muslim...nuff said.

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