Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dr Massage

Obviously, in my time in Thailand I have tried most kinds of massage; Thai, Japanese, Herbal, Swedish, Aromatherapy - all with varying degrees of success, Thai still being my favourite. Today I tried Ayuraveda massage. It started off with the woman asking me where I had pain. What she meant was: "where do you think you have pain so that I can put you through the most excruciating hell in that area?" Seriously, I was in shock. It involved her isolating the area and digging her thumb in as hard as she could followed by her elbow with all her weight on it. This went on for an hour with little respite, nothing relaxing about it at all. Surprisingly, now I have no pain in my shoulders however I don't really know if that is because the woman was indeed a well-trained massage Dr and magically cured me or that I could still be in pain but don't realise it because it is significantly less than when I was having my massage. Honestly, when she was doing my head I thought she was going to put her finger through my skull.
J is dealing with some thievery today. Some kid has been stealing his DVDs from his room. Ridiculous. He has had to bring in kids and search their bags to find them. And kids are not good at looking innocent it is laughable. Last Sunday I went outside to put up some questions around the corridor for a running dictation and as I turned the corner I spot two of my teens who hadn't showed up to class yet, sat together doing their homework. It took them about a minute to notice me and the look on their faces when they realised they'd been sprung was a picture it has to be said. Hilarious. I found it really hard to look angry at them - they were so mortified, poor things. At the end of class I only gave them homework for next week. One of the other students looks at me and goes "beautiful punishment teacher, beautiful". They are by far my favourite class. they knew we had a deal, if they do their homework and work hard in class I will give them less homework but if they dick around in class and don't their homework they will get more. It cracks me up when I mix up the pairs and some of the boys end up having to work with a girl because they just sit there shuffling their feet, the girl giggles and stares at the floor, it's so funny. Watching them conjures up so many horrifying memories, I am so SO glad I am not a teenager anymore!

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