Wednesday, January 10, 2007


It has been a pretty interesting week or so since New Year. There was a strong rumour of a coup last Thursday, they were even talking about a self-coup. I can't even understand how that works. They storm themselves and hold themselves up in order to overturn themselves and put themselves in power? Weird. As you can see the air is thick with irony. A guy called the Nation newspaper and said that he supported Thaksin and was outraged that they suggested he could be behind the attacks therefore he was going to bomb them! I don't know enough about the situation, I read up as much as I can but clearly there are some things that are always going to be a mystery.
Things now lend themselves to a bit of panic. I am not sure how long it will take for things to stabilise but I am pretty sure that things will remain like this for a while at least. As I was told "the situation is fluid"...will see what happens.

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