Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A typical slice....

Not to disappoint the ever growing fanbase, well, it's gone from like three to eight in the past 5 weeks surely that is better than the average JLo album, I endeavour to 'pen' an entry....

Computer at home now working - clearly pressing the odd button every 20 mins works! however now the internet is out, on the bright side we have been assured that a technician shall be along in 2 days, that was on Sunday but you know, maybe days in Thailand are 48 hrs long. who bloody knows really.

With lack of photographic evidence to hand I shall give you a brief update on what my day was like with the kids today, you may well instantly understand why some days I simply can't face being cyber-humourous coz I jsut don't have it in me anymore.

The day kicked off with my K2 turning up 10 mins early, which may not seem alot but entertaining 18 4 year-olds for an hour is hard let alone an hour and ten, especially when you are not preapred.Anyway, I huffed and puffed at my 'aide' and looked at my watch several times, she spends more time playing on her mobile phone than she does any aiding in any way and proceeded with my "hello, Hello" song (soon to be released with a B side of "goodbye, goodbye it's time to go" song including a leaflet with the actions). During this catchy tune I was wondering what on earth was tickling my arse when I discovered it was one of my Kindergarten ferreting away up there! They have become rather more tactile recently.

Their latest thing: Poking my bum when my back is turned, trying to sneak their pencil into my hand as I walk past in the vague hope that I might do their work for them, sweeping the classroom to find all manner of minute crap to give me ranging from pencil lead to pencil shavings and trying to sneak things in my pocket. All in all though, Kindergatren is mighty entertaining to teach but possibly now more for them than it is for me - got to get that balance back!

Along come my P2 class, not my favourite, and I have recently worked out why. There are 25 boys and 7 girls in this class. Say no more. A brief overview of how that went - one was chucked out during the game towards the end of the class, another was sat aside at a desk facing the wall and one team lost around 200 points. The work eventually was completed though.

P1 are a bunch of cuties is has to be said and I decided that they were due a craft and there are so many for the current topic of food. After about 20 weeks of asking and teaching at this place I have finally been given 10 pairs of scissors which avoids the previous problem of me having to cut everytying out for 30 kids - not that it seems to be any quicker having them do it themselves! all was going rather swimmingly bits of watermelon were being coloured, refrigerators decorated and they were being relatively responsible with the glue, 5 mins before the end of class, shock horror, I hear an almighty crash and raise my head to see a bunch of chilren by desk pointing at each other. They had only gone and broken a glass. The worst thing was they just don't really understand me and couldn't get the concept that you shouldn't really stand on shrds of glass etc. It was a nightmare navigating them out of class, some were ignoring me and trying to pick it up - a shambles basically and my boss had arrived and was waiting to have a meeting with me. ... it never rains it pours...

Needless to say by the time my P3 showed up I wasn't in the best of moods. They were warned, nevertheless I'm helping a kid out with his work, look up and find one of them hurling rubbers at one of the kids. I literally picked him up and deposited him outside with his work. He was a bit shocked. The daft thing is he is hurling rubbers at a kid who is a little, hmm how can I put this 'special'? I don't know what is wrong with her, this is typical of Thailand to ignore it and then it doesn't really exist, of course noone warned me that she might need a little extra help. She has a tendency to shout and scream like a banshee and roll around on the floor, today she had trouble with her pens and kept dropping them on the floor adn it drove her mad and the kdis were laughing at her (main problem) and so she picked up a chair and attacked one of the boys. She has also on numerous occasions made a beeline for a kid with no reason that I can see but suspected that something was said and literally gone for the jugular. Usually though, if I just tell her to sit down she stops and sits down and she has an amazing sense for English, she is one fo the few students I have who actually does the work on their own and tries to be creative. I am constantly telling me kids to stop asking me for the answers and to use their brains. I praised her work the other day and she tapped her temple, said 'brain' and winked at me. She is all there that is for sure!

well, I had better get back to things, who knows what is in store for me tomorrow.

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