Monday, November 14, 2005

Sticker madness

This is going to be a quick one, I didn't want to fail on my weekly entries. My internet is out at home so I am reduced to diong this surrounded by 30 kids getting a computer lesson. Shame they can't understand anything I am writing about them!

All is relatively well in the land of smiles. I have shot myself in the proverbial teaching foot however by introducing the concept of stickers as a reward to my Kindergarten class - why oh why did I think that was a good idea? TB does in his and they seem relatively ok with it but mine... I just spend the whole hour dealing with this:

"bla bla blee blee bloo bloo sticker, bla bla bla sticker, colour beautiful sticker, writing beautiful sticker bla bla ble ble sticker bloo!"

It's a nightmare. I have now got to condition them into the idea that there are only two stickers issued per class and that is it NO MORE AFTER THAT I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! I assumed they wouldn't be too bothered by them because they have stickers with their books which they don't give two hoots about so why suddenly mushroom stickers are the thing to have I simply don't get. That, and the fact that one of them won't stop crying makes for a trying hour. Idon't know what is wrong with him. He used to be a little shit and run around causing havoc and now he is wailing before he even enters the classroom and doesn't stop. It breaks my heart a little (I shall touch upon this weird phenomenon later) because he still does his work he just wails while he is doin it! He refuses stickers (if only they all did this is gonna cost me big time!), I can't bribe him to stop, I can't tickle him or distract him, if I ignoe him he doesn't stop either and the Thai teachers hit him for crying! No points for guessing that method doesn't prove too effective. I was hoping he would have got over it by now but it is already week 3 of this semester. It is actually now just getting annoying.

speaking of Kindergarten, my one hilarious moment last week: I was minding my own business making photocopies when I look out the window and I see one of TB's Kindergarten walking back to class after having been to the bog. I think to myself "oh that one is quite cute" and he proceeds to stick his hand down his pants (the UK type of pants) pull his hand out and sniff it - twice! and jump into class and no doubt give TB a big hug. Minging.

Honestly I don't know what has come over me of late. I have my suspicions it is to do with turning 28 and dread the effect it will have on me as time continues to go by. The other day I found myself pondering the significance of being on the blob and the loss of an egg - what the hell? Clearly, I caught myself and immediately made sure the loo brush was bashed copiously about and the bugger was quite dead. I fear for the balance in the world should I suddenly become all gooey and nice. I promise I shall keep myself in check and alert the relevant people should there be anymore warning signs. Anyway, teaching these little ghouls guarantees that I'm not going to desire one of my own any time soon.

I shall make more of a decent contribution when my internet at home is working again although who know when that could be... plus, I believe you have quite enough food for thought at the moment!

I always want to write one of those really meaningful quotes at the end of these posts and then realise how rubbish I think some of them are when I get some at the end of emails so I shall refrain.


Cymraes said...

decided to post commetns received via email...

Thanks for all the entertaining news - I'm sure these things could only happen
to you! You have the patience of an angel, and the bite of a slightly cranky
border collie!

C. Czech Republic

Cymraes said...

love your blog site, pissed myself with laughter several times, you really have
a wicked way with sarcasm. your talent is obviously wasted on thai toddlers. so,
nuf flattery.

A. Germany

Cymraes said...

Obviously I love your postings--I can just hear your voice in them!!! You crack me up like no other!

I can't believe you are mellowing in your old age...this is very disconcerting to me.

E. Michigan