Tuesday, May 15, 2007

keep on moving...

It has been ages I know. Guilt has forced me to start writing again. For those of you who aren't aware, I have left Thailand and have moved to Prague. It took us a while to find a flat but finally we got one we are happy with 0 it even ahs a heated bathroom floor and very strangely, it is in the exact same building I lived in when I first came to the Czech Republic in 2001.

Being back is quite nice, escaping from relentless heat is a massive bonus although it was freezing when we first arrived and of course I had no shoes even vaguely sutied to that kind of weather!

I had also forgotten how charming Czechs could be. I spent the frist two days looking for a charger for my phone as there were no adaptors available. Every mobile shop I went into, the conversation went like this (in Czech by the way)

Me: Hello, I bought this phone in Thailand (shows phone) and I need to get a charger for it to work here. Do you have one?
Salesperson: No.
Me: right, do you know where I can get one?
SP: Yes.
Me: Are you going to share that little pearl of wisdom with me or are you just going to keep it to yourself?

Honestly, it gets frustrating, eeking out info that would normally be readaily provided.

In a restaurant:

Me: Can I have the spinach pizza please?
waitress: OK.

25 minutes later...

Waitress: here is your mexican pizza (with beans and lard on it - bleugh!)
ME: I'm sorry. that isn't the one I ordered.

Waitress, huffs and takes it away and then returns with it and explains that the chef made a mistake therefore I have to eat it anyway and plonks it in front of me.

ahhh, the joys of Czech service.

Other than that things are fab. I have my DELTA interview tomorrow and an interview for summer school in Tunis on Thursday so it is all systems go.

will write more when I have more time...


Anonymous said...

hey chook, glad yr still blogging. thinking of tunis for the summer eh? sounds funky.
be good. bangkok is a sad place without you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen, glad you're alive and well! Sorry Bangkok didn't work out.

Gh and I are still good, I've found probably the highest paying ESL job in Korea, and Alice is still more and more wonderful everyday. It'll be her first birthday soon. Which reminds me, the link on your site is wrong...here I am:


Hopefully I'll catch you on MSN sometime? Hint hint.

Love James.