Thursday, March 09, 2006

New Chapter

I know it has been yonks and I apologise. Searching for a flat and a few other things have kept me all tied up - and not in a fun playful sense.

hmm, what have you missed in my enthralling life as a primary teacher? Oh yeah things like this:


i just want to warn you about ic class,is u were say that on thursday is the last ic learning,but tomorrow we got a test that it's very important so we can't come tomorrow. At least we all want to let you still teaching cause, what about the next generation of prapamontree kids? they would't learn a good english with a english sound,cause when you didn't come,all prapamontree kids speak bad english with a thai sound.


P.S. bad english means not a good grammar!, and i am just the one who can speak english, but just little wrong with the grammar

This is an email from one of my students. Great isn't it? I bet you can guess which one it is. IC class my the way is what they call our English class - Intensive Course, blimey you can say that again.

So, today was my last day. As you can see they had exams so we didn't even have a goodbye lesson. Hmmph. I shall have to console myself wih the memories of sports day we had recently. This was an interesting day. The morning involved the Kindergarten - poor things don't even understand what a cometition is. They had to run a slalom, and we spent the first two hours of the day watching them charge off, go round one post and then veer off into the wild blue yonder! Some of them made it to the end of the course, turned round and then just disappeared. It was hilarious. Then we spent a further hour and a half watching Kindergarten kick a ball all of two feet into a net. Highly scintillating stuff.

This is how Kindergarten tend to make their way round school. this trainesque fashion makes good of their sheep style ability to follow each other. If the one in front is following you then you just can't lose the rest - well, that's the approach the Thai teachers seem to take.

This is one of my cutest Kindergarten...

It just got better. In the afternoon it was the big kids' turn to humiliate themselves. The highlight of my day was the orange juice drinking, donut eating, banana eating, find candy hidden in a bunch of talc and eat them, blow talc off a plate relay race. Now, clearly I am not making it up, coz you have to be either insane or Thai to dream up a race like that. I had oodles of fun watching though. Great stuff.

Photographic evidence that indeed there were chairs and a crazy relay race. This is the bit where they had to find nuts of something in talc and then fish them out and eat them up. Sadly, my batteries conked out before I ahd a chance to get a good photo of them blowing talc off a plate...

Am v. excited. We found a great flat in the centre of Bangkok. It will be nice now not to have to take a taxi to work and stuff. Not be stuck in traffic. Eat what and where we want woo hoo! Finding a flat is the harder part. You basically have to pick an area you want to live in and then walk around and ask places if they ahve apartments to rent. Sod's law the last place we look at is our dream flat. We have a seperate bedroom and everything. Pool, gym, sauna - yay!

Ok, I'll stop I don't want your computer screens imbued with vomit. Can be a bugger to get out of the keys... I shall just post the pics and be on my way...